Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mi luz al final del túnel…

Hello all!

I should start by saying that I am writing this while having a terrible case of senioritis; an affliction which I will be battling for the next 39 days (but who’s counting?) In my final days as a college undergrad, I am repeatedly asked the obligatory “So, what’s next?” by both those who do and do not really care what the answer is. However, when I tell them that I’m planning to go to Chile to teach inglés to the niños, I definitely win the Interesting Answer Game.

Over the Easter break, I went home for some quality time with my bed and my weenie dog Buddy, but also found time to meet with some friends of my grandparents who lived in Santiago for 20 years. While talking to them I learned several fun facts, but the top 2 most exciting ones were:
1) Chile has some crazy good seafood.
2) Chile has some very good looking men. ;-)

Chile continues to be my light at the end of the undergraduate tunnel and, as such, will provide me with infinite opportunities to procrastinate my studies as I slowly prepare for it in the coming weeks. So, until next time, I leave you with the philosophical question of the day:

If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from?

Advisor Abroad in Chile